A Change for the Better

At long last after 60+ knot winds and torrential rain the weather is settling down due to a spell of high pressure that should extend into next week. It’s still a bit windy with much lower temperatures than we’ve been used to; distinctly autumnal in feel. It’s also high tide so we set off to […]

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Autumnal Conditions at Prinstead

On walking out by the Nutbourne Outfall not much seemed to have changed apart from the weather that had moderated, just a bit, after the gales and rain of yesterday. In the bay were about 50 Canada Geese that can returned once more to this spot. Clearly they seemed to like it and felt safe […]

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Strong Winds Over the Downs

After the rains, wind, lots of it is forecast for today, between 40 and 50 knots. Hoping to dodge the showers we set off for Lavant to walk out to near the Trundle and back along Chalk Pit Lane. Possibly due the wind there were few birds about, a few pigeons here and there. In […]

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Prinstead After the Rain

Yesterday the rain was torrential all day, as forecast maybe but still unusually heavy for any time of the year, especially Summer. Today it was better, cloudy early on, but clearing for the rest of the day. We decided to walk around Nutbourne and Prinstead to have a glimpse of the harbour which would be […]

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Catching a Downpour at Dell Quay

 The forecast for today and beyond was not promising, lots of showers, some heavy at times. Nevertheless we went out to Dell Quay ready to take what ever the weather threw at us. The start was promising with some sunshine but the lane soon showed how much water had fallen over the past night, it […]

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Dodging the Rainstorms at Ellen Nore

 The hot period has come to an end but there’s still lots of moisture about so it’s cloudy with patches of drizzle. It’s also just about high tide, although it’s neaps so only reaching 3.8m at East head where we set off. With travel restrictions and France just being put on the no go list […]

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Fishbourne, Wet & Dry

 It’s still well over 30 degrees during the day and now has been declared the longest period of high temperatures since 1976. It’s still forecast to go on for at least another day so will break many records. There have been thunder storms to the north in Britain causing no end of problems, they’re forecast […]

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Birdlife at Prinstead

 It’s the fourth day of 35 degree days and 20+ degree nights, the only time to go for a walk is early in the morning and it’s time to visit Nutbourne and Prinstead again. As soon as we got down to the harbour a surprise was in store, about forty Canada geese were there, sitting […]

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Chidham Changes

 A quick walk around the northern part of the Chidham peninsula revealed several changes. In particular the market garden fields had been planted and were growing well, Cabbage, Onions and many other vegetables were all doing rather well despite the dryness and apparent lack of irrigation. Clearly the Pigeons were a pest as there were […]

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August and it’s Sturgeon Moon

After a few days away sailing its comforting to be back walking around Fishbourne even though the weather is a bit grey after so much sunshine; we even had a bit of much needed rain yesterday evening. It’s a very full moon and low tide so the harbour is all mudflats with just a trickle […]

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