It’s still well over 30 degrees during the day and now has been declared the longest period of high temperatures since 1976. It’s still forecast to go on for at least another day so will break many records. There have been thunder storms to the north in Britain causing no end of problems, they’re forecast for us

over the next few days.

There’s a huge contrast between most of the fields and meadow which are as dry as a bone and parts of the harbour that stay damp such as the reed beds

around the stream. In the field adjacent to the meadow just about everything had turned to seed and had dried out, even the thistles that seem pretty robust. Beside the stream the vegetation was relatively lush and green, especially in the shade. In this snap there’s some Hedge Agrimony providing a welcome splash of colour.

Just a few flowers have bucked the trend, this Creeping Thistle is typical of

many that offer splashes of blue across a pale straw landscape; perhaps it has deep roots to keep it in good health. Its is meant to flower into September, and it is!