The forecast for today and beyond was not promising, lots of showers, some heavy at times. Nevertheless
we went out to Dell Quay ready to take what ever the weather threw at us. The start was promising with some sunshine but the lane soon showed how much water had fallen over the past night, it was flooded. However several ominous peals of Thunder added a note of caution.
Lots of Crows were out in the fields that had been harvested, gathering worms I assume. We were out early enough to see a hare, first one in the right hand field then one further on on the other side shown in this snap. Bonnie wanted to chase it but that was a forlorn hope, much too fast!
The cover crop is looking remarkably healthy having had a good soaking. There’s still a variety of plants and flowers that should remain attractive to pollinators. The Phacelia has almost stopped flowering with the flowers tuning into these rather interesting and different seed pods.
Just before Salterns Copse the heavens opened up; it poured down so hard at first that you couldn’t see across the channel. Fortunately I’d brought some waterproofs and Bonnie likes water so we were ok, many weren’t.
Not much in the way of wildfowl about yet, no waders of ducks. I did see a parcel of Oyster Catchers lift off the beach on our return, about five and very noisy!