At long last after 60+ knot winds and torrential rain the weather is settling down due to a spell of high
pressure that should extend into next week. It’s still a bit windy with much lower temperatures than we’ve been used to; distinctly autumnal in feel. It’s also high tide so we set off to Chidham where you can stay above the high water mark with ease.
The fields were almost deserted, a few crows, a few pigeons, some seagulls but not much else. In the harbour it’s the same, very little on the water just a few gulls. Even the Little Grebes that are multiplying
seem to have deserted this part of the harbour.
In the hedgerow it’s a bit different, there are a few flowers if you try to find them. This common hop was climbing over some brambles to make an interesting sight, couldnt help wondering where it came from. Elsewhere there were clumps of common fleabane that were still in flower as well as a few Rosebay Willow Herb plants that seem to be flowering again.
The Horse Chestnut trees make a distinct pointer towards autumn, they are
laden (or at least have some) with conkers. Almost ready to open, some of them have fallen in the wind but no fruits out yet.