After the rains, wind, lots of it is forecast for today, between 40 and 50 knots. Hoping to dodge the
showers we set off for Lavant to walk out to near the Trundle and back along Chalk Pit Lane. Possibly due the wind there were few birds about, a few pigeons here and there. In the fields that had been harvested the Crows were congregating in large numbers picking at the meagre offerings left behind from the combine.
Fruit was very much in evidence, certainly plenty of blackberries still around for those willing to pick them. I was pleased to see lots of Sloes and picked a poo bag full; they seemed ripe enough almost falling off the bushes. Elsewhere there were plenty of rose hips that look so tempting together with a couple of apple trees that seem out of place but were bursting with fruit.
Flowers were few and far between in the valley but became more frequent on the Downs and plentiful in the lane. Obviously Knapweed and Yarrow but also some
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less frequent ones. Both the pretty little blue Bellflower and the Giant Bellflower were about, also Field Scabious and Toadflax to make the lane relatively colourful.