After a few days away sailing its comforting to be back walking around Fishbourne even though the weather is a bit grey after so much sunshine; we even had a bit of much needed rain yesterday evening. It’s a very full moon and low tide so the harbour is all mudflats with just a trickle of silver to mark the channel. Apparently this first full moon in August is known as the “Sturgeon Moon” as it’s good for fishing. The heron out there is fishing but it’s not clear how successful he is. Not many birds apart from all these gulls.

Everywhere it’s very dry, the grass has turned to hay and been cut in many places; the landscape has the look of straw. Against this background a few flowers are growing such as the pretty little  marsh woundwort. It’s the time of year for the Michaelmas daisy, thousands are out on the marshy ground that’s recently been soaked by the tide.
It’s also time for grazing, these cows seem to be happy enough with the dry grass near to the stream. Bonny kept well clear showing no interest which was reassuring.