Welcome to the Thornleys





This is the web site for David & Lynda Thornley and our Working Cocker Spaniel Bonnie.
We live in Westgate, Chichester, which is a lively community that holds street parties for any excuse which are usually centred right outside our front door.
There’s always lots going on in the city centre, the Festival Theater and the Pallant Gallery, which are all only a short walk away. A bit futher afield is the Goodwood Estate where the Revival is held amongst other activities.
If you’re coming here let us know!
As we’re so close to the coast and there’s so much to do it’s a popular place to visit for all the family. The cottage at the end of the garden makes it easy to stay so we see quite a bit of the grandchildren, especially in the Summer.
Thier all time favorite place to go is the beach at Wittering, kites, buckets and spades are always on hand!
Brilliant Sailing Nearby
Being so close to the Solent is fantastic for sailing find out about Lively Levante and where we sail here
Between the Downs and the Harbour
Amazing Countryside and Wildlife on our Doorstep
We go out around the harbour or onto the Downs most days. See here, where we go for our favorite walks and the wonderful wildlife we’re able to see.
Music - of sorts...
Music Milestones
It started as a lockdown project, David is learning to play the Saxophone, go here to see some of the milestones along this journey
A Timecapsule...
A Snapshot of how we were at the start of the Millenium
This version of our site started off when we found the orginal dating back 20 years, last updated in 2006! it’s a snapshot of what we did then and a useful means of reading the older logs of our sailing trips. Click here to visit