On walking out by the Nutbourne Outfall not much seemed to have changed apart from the weather that had moderated, just

a bit, after the gales and rain of yesterday. In the bay were about 50 Canada Geese that can returned once more to this spot. Clearly they seemed to like it and felt safe there; good to see them at the top of the harbour.

The only other birds about were clouds of Sparrows not only flying about in the hedges but on the paths as this snap shows.

Not many flowers were out and no new ones, just a sprinkling of Mallow and Yarrow. The Hawkweed that had been so vibrant for so long had now turned to seed with many plants like this one having just a few flowers left to show what it is.

Naturally there’s plenty of berries about and now the Hawthorn bushes are

becoming full of mature berries. Apparently the berry itself is edible although the seeds are not. Some people make it into a sauce although I’d assume it needs quite a bit of sugar to make it paletable.