The depression that’s causing Storm Alex is firmly anchored over Birmingham so, in the south, we’re

getting a mix of sun and rain as the weather system circles around. For a couple of hours we’ve got fine weather so are off out to Hayling Island for a change to walk around the northern part near Northney.

It’s still damp underfoot so there’s lots of standing water but no floods. This slug seems to like the conditions as he (or she) has ventured out on what would have been a very dry path a few days ago. Not surprisingly it seems to be a Large Black Slug, a rather descriptive name.

On the way to the harbour we passed a field that had supported a crop of Corn although just about all of it had been taken away leaving a few stubby stems and the odd cob left behind. At first glance it seemed quiet but on closer examination with binoculars it was a hive of activity. Naturally there were plenty of pigeons and crows but in the middle were half a dozen Canada geese making the most of the corn. On one edge was a Heron, not much water so not much food for him. Slowly coming into view were two Deer well upwind so they hadn’t noticed me; it didn’t take long for them to be spooked but nice to see them while it lasted.

Some of the trees had changed colour dramatically over the past few days, especially this Lime that had

turned quite yellow. The warm sunshine intensified the colour; so pleasing to see it after days of grey landscapes, lashed by rain. Hopefully there will be some more sunny days soon and more wonderful Autumn colours to appreciate.