The weather system associated with Storm Alex is to stay nearby for the whole weekend. After the

ferocious winds of yesterday has come the rain, masses of it overnight and into the morning.

This snap of the farm track is reminiscent of the conditions we had at the beginning of the year when it was underwater for weeks at a stretch. Hopefully it will drain away this time as the soil is much dryer and needs a good soaking.

Walking through the copse it seems like Autumn has suddenly made it’s appearance. Probably, some of the leaves had lost their colour earlier but it wasn’t so noticeable. Now, it seems that the storm has scared all the leaves so they’ve lost their colour and are falling to the ground amongst the branches.

Even in the grey light there are some warm reds and yellows, with some sunshine they’ll be quite a spectacle. Right now there’s water everywhere, a spot of sunshine should set that straight and dry it all up.

Out in the harbour wildfowl, or at least the waders, are steadily returning. A group of Curlews looked rather forlorn in the shallows whilst several Oyster Catchers and a couple of Redshanks made their presence known as they were so active flying noisily about. 

The winds have caused many of the acorns to drop forming a dense matt of

nuts, a good time for the Squirells! The dark ones were due to fall, the many light ones look like they’ve been prematurely shaken down. What’s needed are some pigs to root about so we could have some pannage pork.