Rain Again at Prinstead

“There’s no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing” is the watchword today as we’re experiencing persistent rain and expect to do so for the Morning, if not longer. Having stocked up for some holiday supplies we set out for the nature reserve at Nutbourne.   It was already high water so little of […]

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High Tide at East Head

As our trip to Devon is nearly upon us and a national lockdown is not likely just yet we’re in a holiday mood so a walk along the sands around East Head is called for. The weather is unpredictable, one minute it’s pleasant, the next rain is hammering down and the wind’s up. It’s close […]

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Brief Respite from the Weather at Chidham

Strong winds and storms are becoming regular companions at present; not continuous rain but nasty little storm cells that blacken the sky and dump huge amounts of rain at short notice. The five day forecast is for this to continue for the rest of the week but today there is a brief respite, windy but […]

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Ready for Winter at Dell Quay

Another bright start to the day but plenty of showers about. The Lunar progression has meant that we have a neap tide which is ebbing as we’re walking by the Harbour. As the mud is uncovered a host of waders are feeding on the many organisms that are still by the surface. Along the channel […]

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Brent Geese at Snow Hill

 It was a wonderful morning, it felt great to be out on the walk from East Head to Ellen Nore and back along the lane. The bright sunlight has banished the grey times we’ve recently experienced lighting up the sea, sand and countryside in bold colours. The tide was still out but even the mud […]

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Storm Barbara at Prinstead

 Named by the Spanish, Storm Barbara hit Southern England this morning with heavy rain and fairly strong winds after drifting north from the Continent. Wet and windy weather without the cold is fine, this morning it was about 16 degrees, a pleasure to venture out after buying essential supplies at Southbourne Farm Shop. The trees […]

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Migrant Arrival in Fishbourne

 The weather is just a bit unpredictable at the moment with all sorts of depressions about, although most of the wind and rain has been in the north. Here we’ve had a strong southerly wind yesterday which is continuing this morning so it’s surprisingly mild after several chilly days.  Reports around the harbour are that […]

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Wildfowl at Fishbourne

 Another bright morning with a light northerly breeze, but not particularly peaceful today as it’s Goodwood Speed Week. The noise of the racing circuit has been carried south to us on the wind and is surprisingly loud despite the distance. The wining of high revving engines as they negotiate the bends in the track are […]

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Stirrings on the Waterside at Chidham

 It’s a fine, fresh, Autumn morning with bright sunlight and a deep blue sky. There’s a sharp northerly wind that makes me feel glad I’ve put my Gilet on and want to keep moving. High tide is just after 9am so the harbour is full although close to neaps so there’s still plenty of mud […]

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Quiet Times at Dell Quay

 After quite breezy weather, some of which was ideal for sailing, there’s a quiet interlude. A chilly but light northerly airstream flows over the country but is almost non existent here, this morning. We went to Dell Quay for a ramble round the fields to the south which were strangely deserted and very peaceful without […]

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