Today there’s a brief ridge of high pressure over us between the depression that’s now over the North Sea
and another one that’s in the Atlantic on it’s way towards us. It’s such a tonic to see the sun again, lighting up the trees that are now starting to show their Autumn colours. There’s plenty along the banks the Lavant so that’s where we went this morning.
On the way along the Valley were these young cows grazing, part of the Three Harbours herd. They seemed a little more inquisitive than usual and let us get quite close, close enough for this relatively intimate picture.
Surprisingly, the majority of the trees here and on the hillside had not changed colour that much, perhaps it’s the difference in climate compared with the harbour. The field Maple and some of the Beech trees had lost their greenness, having turned in varying degrees to yellow. Living up to expectations they literally glowed in the bright sunshine.
The lane leading north is attractive at any time but with a distinct warm, yellow hue it was especially inviting. The path had at least a few flowers out along it’s edges to add to the colour. Clumps of Hogweed had grown up again alongside the dried remains of similar plants that had flowered much earlier.
The sun had brought the insects out and stimulated plenty of avian activity. There were quite a few bees, mainly solitary ones, making what they could of the flowers. The songbirds had regained their voice making medley of song, not just Sparrows, but Tits, Robins and plenty of others.