Breezy and Colder

The weather really has changed now, almost ten degrees cooler with a 40 knot wind that means there’s a vicious element of wind chill to contend with. It’s blown lots of leaves and, thankfully, only small branches down. Interestingly it’s the Lime trees around the City that have suffered most. Venturing out into the harbour […]

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Avian antics

Lots of avian activity today both in the garden and further afield. In addition to the Swallows that arrived earlier we now have the arial antics of swallows to entertain us. With their deep black, sickle shaped wings they make quite a sight swooping over the trees for insects, especially in the evenings. Whilst in […]

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Eve of VE Day

It’s the day before the 75th anniversary of VE Day which is going to have to be a bit muted due to the pandemic. However, whilst we’re all going to stay in our homes, they’ll be decorated and we’re going to follow a timetable of events including afternoon tea. This is the case in Westgate […]

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Swallow Arrival

They might have been here a while but today is the first time I’ve noticed swallows swooping around the fields and gardens; so good to see them back again. There’s a light easterly wind for a change, I hope it brings some insects for them after their long flight here. Amongst the Sycamores are smaller […]

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Tree Time

It may be a grey Sunday but the upside is that a short sharp shower has deterred most people from walking and the paths are relatively clear. Not the best of time for flowers and butterflies but certainly it’s a good time for trees. Along the Bluebell path there are plenty of relatively small, gnarled […]

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Reminders of Wildfowl

A brief increase in pressure made for a sunny day in contrast to the many April showers we’ve experienced, and are forecast for the next few days. Ideal for a visit to the harbour at Fishbourne again, even if there are too many people to avoid as it’s a Saturday and all the bikes have […]

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Railway Remains

The Centurion Way, which we’re forced to use so often at present, is what remains of the Chichester to Midhurst railway. This left the main line at Bishops Luffa School, went through Lavant, Singleton and Cocking arriving at Midhurst after passing through three tunnels under the Downs. Although only single track in most places, it […]

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