Lots of avian activity today both in the garden and further afield. In addition to the Swallows that arrived earlier we now have the arial antics of swallows to entertain us. With their deep black, sickle shaped wings they make quite a sight swooping over the trees for insects, especially in the evenings.
Whilst in Brandy Hole Copse pandemonium break out as some crows started to squabble in the
treetops above us near a nest. I can only assume that one was infringing on another territory or worse, they’re so unlike Rooks that all live together reasonably happily.
Higher up a Buzzard can into view, soaring on the thermals that must have be starting to build up. It’s peaceful flight didn’t last long though as a single crow made a determined attempt to harass it, again I can only assume that it had ventured into it’s territory and the crow wanted it to get out. Whatever the crow got it’s way as is often the case which seems surprising given he relative size of the two birds.
At the eastern end of Brady Hole Copse, which we hadn’t visited before, is this rather delightful pond. It seems to be home to several Mallard which all seem to be trying to find nesting sites are the moment. A pair were so desperate to find a patch of water that they settled in the tiny pond in our garden recently which is only four feet long. Fortunately they didn’t stay long as Bonnie would have disturbed them given half a chance or the fox that’s often about would have got them.
Not many interesting flowers this morning but I couldn’t resist taking a picture of this magnificent white bell brilliantly lit but the early morning sunshine.