They might have been here a while but today is the first time I’ve noticed swallows swooping around the fields and gardens; so good to see them back again. There’s a light easterly wind for a change, I hope it brings some insects for them after their long flight here.

Amongst the Sycamores are smaller trees with similar shaped leaves although they tips are rounded rather than pointed; they’re Field Maple. Some have the small flowers that differentiate them from Sycamore, others have the smaller straight winged seed
capsules instead of the V shaped ones. They’re certainly plentiful, like the Sycamore, they seem to be equally fertile.

Several new flowers have emerged today, in particular this Bugle. It’s a creeping perennial that’s quite widespread and just started to make it’s pretty blue flowers on short spikes noticeable.

This striking Mallow, a tree mallow, was growing adjacent to the path. Already a metre high and still growing, apparently it likes to be by the sea which is where we found it. Probably, maybe hopefully, the first of many mallows to be seen this year.