Another fine day for a short walk, we need some apples from Southbourne Farm shop so it’s Nutbourne and Prinstead this morning. The tides right out so there are fine views of yachts at all sorts of unnatural
angles out in Thorney Channel.
Not many flowers out but there is a huge variety of plants that have gone to seed. This thistle no longer has blue flower heads, just bundles of fluff, ready to blow away on the wind. The docks that were so plentiful have died back but left these magnificent seed heads behind. It’s little wonder that they grow in such profusion! Similarly clumps of Hawkweed are scattered far and wide looking a bit like thistles but still having the odd flower or two to remind you of what they are.
For real variety the Umbellifers have to win the prize. The Cow Parsley still retains it’s snowflake shape whilst the Hogweed remains more rounded. The wild carrot is distinguished by it’s dense seed heads still standing along the sea wall.
The birds were relatively quiet today, just a few sparrows and tits to provide a mild soundscape. More
interesting were a few butterflies to be seen, a lovely Speckled Wood was dancing along the hedgerow with several large whites flittering back and forth.