For September it’s been unusually warm and today is expected to be between 25 and 30 degrees. With the sun rising it was quite warm already for our early walk around Fishbourne meadows. The harbour was at

peace, the water reflecting the sky with hardly a ripple to disturb the reflection. The yachts at anchor gleamed in the soft light of dawn.

There was a feeling of emptiness about the fields which had been harvested and even the boarders had been cut for hay. only a few magpies and pigeons making the most of the meagre pickings. In the hedges the sparrows and tits were active, fluttering about noisily.

Whilst we’d been away sailing a considerable number of Redshanks had returned to the harbour, in this snap about 20 were picking their way along the tideline. It’s pleasant to see them after such a long absence,  a reunion of old friends!

The swans are still in evidence with about 40 in the outfall, strangely
unconcerned about Bonnie going in nearby for a swim; not that she’d be a threat to them!