Time for one last walk around the harbour before we set off for a few days sailing; Ichenor is the choice and we’re out early before the crowds descend.

There’s not a lot to see as the duck have left for quiet safe spots to moult. Much the same can be said for the songbirds although a few are starting to twitter again.

There are few flowers about apart from the usual Ragwort, so many have turned to seed such as the White Campion that has been so strong for months.

The most noticeable feature is the first signs of Spring are appearing such as these acorns that were now well developed. The elderflowers have turned into elderberries, shame we dont make wine as there’s lots of them about. It looks like being a good year for Sloes, we should be able to pick these soon.

The blackberry bushes are laden with fruit but there are lots of foragers so the accessible bushes have few ripe berries. Look a bit higher, just out of reach and there’s lots of attractive ones!