After torrential rain the sky has cleared and it’s a pleasantly sunny day with a light breeze to make walking enjoyable. As it’s Sunday we took the short walk around Chidham to avoid people although that wasn’t particularly successful, we were clearly a bit late out.

This is always an interesting walk and didn’t disappoint with plenty of flowers including field scabious, Meadowsweet and Great Willowherb. The butterflies were out in good numbers too like
this White, also Browns and a couple of blues.

The best news was that the Blackthorn bushes there were producing plenty of fruits. They look well advanced but it’s still early; hopefully we can wait a while for them to mature without being picked by other sloe gin lovers. There were a

couple of other small trees with similar but larger fruits, wild plumbs I think.

Above the songbirds were still quite quiet but this Buzzard identified itself by calling. Later on by the church it flew very low overhead letting us have a wonderful view of it’s markings. Needless to say by the time I’d got my phone ready to take a picture it had risen to a height where they were less distinguishable.

In the fields there were oats, wheat and barley all looking ready for harvesting although no signs of
that starting yet. The market garden farm had plenty of beans growing well together with a field of cabbages. They’d started to use a gas gun to deter the pigeons which cause far too much excitement in Bonnie.