It’s forecast to be the hottest day in the year and was 28 degrees went we set off for the walk around
Chidham. It rose to 30 by the time we left and was expected to rise even higher later in the day.
It’s not the best of conditions for walking but it’s great for butterflies that were in abundance again, especially Marbled Whites. The birds seemed to like it too, especially the Goldfinches that were in good voice. Crows, or at least one, didn’t seem so happy as they mobbed a Kestrel above the point. It all seemed very bad tempered and territorial.
Plenty of flowers along this route, especially both the larger Hedge Bindweed and the smaller Field Bindweed which are in full bloom. They looks rather pretty here but not
in the garden! Lots of different varieties of Hawkweed and several clumps of Hoary Cress.
Agrimony is just starting to come into flower, or at least I haven’t noticed it before this year, along the path edges. Pretty little clumps of Centaury, I think the lesser one from it’s colour, added a bit of variety as well.
The harbour looked wonderful and now that boats are starting to get out more often it’s starting to look a bit busier. The outlet of the new wetland area near the point was particularly attractive, there is a little Egret here if you look closely. In the wet area a Mallard was mothering her two offspring that were now almost as large as she was.