A pleasant day, if a bit breezy with the tide out makes Itchenor attractive. Too attractive it would appear as there were a dozen or more groups of walkers going around the same walk we do on a regular basis but counter clockwise. It felt like someone in the Times had published the walk this weekend.
Plenty of butterflies in the fields, large whites, meadow browns & marbled whites. The young cows had grown substantially and weren’t little any more! Lots of birdsong in the hedges alongside the fields, so many that it was difficult to separate them all out.
Plenty of big yellow flowers now, the common Ragwort is now starting to flower, as usual it’s all over the place. Another tall yellow flower out now is the Smooth Sow-Thistle with larger flowers and taller that the bristly one out earlier.
Along the path beside the harbour we came upon this small tree with interesting flowers, a Spindle.
Apparently it’s wood was used for spinners spindles and toothpicks. It’s an indicator of ancient woodland apparently too.