It’s two days past the Summer solstice and the sunny weather has settled in for the next few days, temperatures of 34 degrees are forecast! This has to end in a thunderstorm later in the week but it’s nice while it lasts.
At Apuldram it’s all rather dry, plenty of green grass and crops but not much in the way of flowers, only a couple of unfamiliar ones. The Blackberry bushes are developing well, plenty of flowers still out but also lots of fruit starting to form. Should be a good season, maybe a little early than usual if the weather keeps up.
Amongst the common nettles are plenty of these quite attractive Spotted Dead Nettles, one of so many variations on a theme. There are also some patches of Scentless Mayweed, no ox eyed daisies left now, just this smaller version.
The Oyster catchers were very lively this morning, several chased one out of a field with much squawking and several were in the harbour. Clearly it’s a good time for them to feed as there are quite a few large cockles or carpet shells about left over from a tasty snack.
Along the path by the harbour there was a splash of yellow made by this patch of Charlock which was a welcome change. The potato crops there seemed to be doing quite well but clearly had to have had quite a bit of irrigation despite the downpours a few days ago.