It’s Easter Saturday and around the West Walls there were few people about, they were all queueing up to get into Waitrose! With two metre spacing even a few people make a long line…

What’s most striking today is the variation in leaf cover by species of trees. Some are fully covered in leaves, others have nothing but small buds as if it’s still winter. The first to come out were the Horse Chestnuts which are now fully covered with their large, hand shaped leaves. Others like this one are in sharp contrast to their neighbours; I think it’s an Alder.

The daffodils and Tulips are well past their prime now but there seems to be a more flowers coming
out almost every day. Today it’s the turn of this Storksbill which was growing near the Lavant stream. At least I think it is a Storksbill, they appear to grow in a variety of colours, this is almost blue compared with the white we saw earlier near the Centurion Way.