It’s just over 20 minutes walk to Fishbourne meadows along streets that are not particularly interesting; I suppose that’s only about 10 minutes more than by car once you’ve faffed about getting
there. This is what we’ll have to accept for now until the restrictions ease, at least there are several options to take, today we’ll stick to the Northwest corner of the Harbour.
What was interesting on the way were two trees with these spherical catkin like growths. I’m not sure what they are for certain, they seem to be Alder, need to check on that.
The hedgerows are steadily becoming more green as the leaves unfurl, especially the Hawthorn which is well advanced. many of the catkins are now falling to the ground as the leaves develop as here is this snap
The meadows were fairly dry but quite chilly due to the north easterly wind that’s still blowing. Not many new plants to see, just plenty of dead nettles, both white and red ones. Nevertheless there are
attractive spots like this one which is quite close to the main road.
It’s time to walk briskly though but soon there’ll be more to see as the leaves open out and other plants that are growing fast come out in bloom. Along the stream there’ll be some attractive Irises which are now shooting up.