How wrong can you be? I’d expected the paths close to home around the West Walls of the City to be busy with lots of people out trying to get exercise themselves or for their dogs. In reality there was one cyclist, one jogger and one couple returning from Waitrose; no difficulty in keeping distance.
The wind had returned, a brisk north easterly bringing the temperature down, which might have put some people off but it was still sunny and a delight to be out even if only for a few minutes. The Lavant is still in full flow and gin clear; not much in it apart from this single Mallard in splendid isolation.
Social media has been exhorting people to go into their gardens to hear the dawn chorus which is good advice, there’s lots going on. This morning it was the Dunnocks that were most noticeable not that the Great Tits were far behind.
On the other side of the Lavant some Bluebells had come into flower, well in advance of those by the harbour; perhaps it’s a bit warmer in the city. Naturally there’s plenty of Celandines, also a few daffodils but a newcomer was this pretty little flower. My app says it’s Storks-bill but I’m not convinced, a bit more research required.