Yet another absolutely wonderful sunny day, with a light fresh wind, classic spring weather. Our allowance is only one period of exercise a day so we need to spend it wisely, we also need to choose a place where it’s easy to keep two metres away from other people. Bosham Hoe fits the bill perfectly with very few other walkers who all cheerfully keep their distance.

Most noticeable today are the Rooks that nest together above the path leading from Smugglers Lane. They’re all competing with each other for nest materials, I thought they were meant to be sociable! A bit further along and equally vocal are the Robins asserting themselves with their pretty but melancholic song. There are lots of them, all keeping their distance and guarding their patch making a near constant backdrop to our walk.

It’s particularly pretty among the Oak trees as you near Bosham itself and it’s harbour. A sign indicates that there’s a Hornet nest 50 metres away, fortunately a European one. It’s strange to see the moorings so quiet and inactive on such a bright day, so unusual.

The lane on our return is bright with flowers, especially these Celandines that completely cover this bank. They, and the sunshine, have attracted the first butterfly we’ve seen this year – a Peacock.