Another bright sunny day, even nicer that yesterday, as the wind has eased. We’re now only allowed out of our house for one session of exercise which, for us, is a walk around the north east part of the Fishbourne Channel. The roads are noticeably quieter today after the draconian steps announced the previous evening.
The harbour was full of activity this morning starting with several groups of wigeon on the edge of the water and a few coots for good measure. Better still, on the side of the outfall were waders that had congregated in significant numbers. There was a real mixture of Godwits, Redshanks and Dunlin with a tight group of what appeared to be Knots sitting together in the middle.
Quite a few flowers out as well, to add some interest and colour. Particularly noticable was this patch of Comfrey adjacent to the Riding School.
It’s a shame everything is locked down and we’re so restricted but there are compensations, a walk like this is no longer fitted into a busy day, it has become the central part of activities for the day!