By going early we hoped to avoid people out walking at Dell Quay which is usually rather popular, but a lovely walk to the marina and back. This proved to be the case, although many were out
yesterday which invoked much criticism, we only encountered two walkers with their dogs keeping their distance. Clearly somebody had fun recently making this rather attractive piece of beach art.

The way the good weather had transformed the paths here was particularly evident, the lane was no longer flooded and most of the mud had thankfully dried out making it much easier to walk.

It was still busy around the marina where the lock was still closed for repair; there was a dredger in the channel as well. Fortunately trips to second homes, which would include boats, are regarded as non-essential and therefore not to be taken so boat owners should not complain about being locked in.

Salterns Copse was particularly attractive, clearly the conservation work has resulted in more flowers there than anywhere else. Naturally plenty of Celandines but also a profusion of violets and primroses. A newcomer is this Stichwort which appeared in several clumps; there were also one or two bluebells about to unfurl as well. That will be something to look forward to shortly.