The virus situation is getting serious, in Italy people are not allowed out, Wittering Estate is now closed, how much longer will we be able to enjoy walking in the countryside? We’re not in total lockdown yet so enjoyed a short walk at Chidham keeping several meters away from the few other people also out enjoying the sunshine.

What’s really noticeable is how the combination of wind and sunshine has dried out the land. Paths that were wet and muddy are now hard, splashes have disappeared and this ditch that was a pond a couple of weeks ago is now dry.

With a high tide there was plenty of water extending over the harbour, ideal for Bosham SC to hold a race; which was brave in the circumstances. It was also attractive to some birdlife with several Shelduck in Chidham creek and this parcel of 15 Oystercatchers just off the wreck.

Lots of Celandines about providing a carpet of colour in places like the path around the hidden lake.

Nearby was this small patch of violets, so pretty but easy to miss. It’s good to see more variety in the flowers now out, whilst the daffodils are still going strong it’s pleasing to see others appearing.