Not very nice weather, it’s started to get wet and windy but not to the forecast storm force yet. Dell Quay is grey but not so wet that we can’t walk down to Copperas and back.
The Little Egrets are sitting together in the field by the farm again, they seem to like it there. It’s not clear why, maybe they like worms or it’s just a sociable place to be.
The lock is closed for some extensive repairs, that will please the many walkers who now have to go all round the marina and irritate any boat owners that want to go out at this time of year. The bad weather could well mean that it’s closed for longer than expected.
Mud is still a major problem and can only get worse. The farmer who put up these barriers and planted the hedge must be pleased, there would be footprints all over the field if he hadn’t!
The water was fairly high on the way back with plenty of wigeon sitting just offshore. It’s interesting that they often congregate at Copperas at this time of the year. I’d always thought that it was pressure from wildfowl’s at the head of the harbour that had pushed them down but there seems to have been little shooting this year.