Storm Ciara proved to be as dangerous as was forecast covering the whole country in torrential rain accompanied by winds of 90+mph. This was meant to be a once in a century storm but we seem to have had another just like it a couple of months ago; with similar strength winds off the Needles.

Much of the country was flooded or damaged, fortunately there was little to see close to home. This tree was one of a few that had blown down, maybe all the weak ones had blown down months earlier.

Weather wise, we were now in the cold sector with the front having passed through; blues skies with some stiff showers. The birds were enjoying the pause in the bad weather, especially these chaffinches chanting to one another in a very animated manner.

Soon the blue skies disappeared and grey enveloped us, it suddenly became bleak. The tide was out, a sharp wind was whipping up the waves to break on the cold mud. The wildfowl were taking no chances, they stayed inland on on the edge of the harbour, especially the geese.