Having been away for over a week the changes around the harbour are quite noticeable; it’s becoming late autumn with a chilly, bare feel to it rather than the bright colours of the early part of the season.

We went for the circular walk around Itchenor but as we’re now into the second lockdown the car park was empty, at least to start with. The sailing club was strangely deserted but not the mud banks a few hundred yards further on. Several diminutive Teal were paddling around in the small channels leading to the main one, probably enjoying the fresh water. So far this year they’ve been heard rather than seen, it’s pleasant to be able to view their brightly coloured heads for a change.

By the farm the progression of the season was most noticeable as can be seen here. Some of the trees, such as these Horse Chestnut’s had completely lost their leaves and looked quite wintery. Others, like the one on the left still had all their leaves although they were now in a minority. Here and in the lane fallen leaves carpet the ground, flying in the air as you walk through them.

There are pheasants everywhere! Time to keep dogs, especially Bonnie, on a lead. They’ve clearly left the holding pens

and have dispersed around the fields in the hedges and patches of trees. It appears that Les Arnold’s shoot has put down plenty of birds this year despite the pandemic. Feeders have been set up in an attempt to keep them close to the drives, there are several quite near to the footpath. I saw a Buzzard fly out of this cover crop, seemingly empty handed. Hopefully there’s enough cover to protect the birds and nobody is tempted to take a pot shot at these protected predators.