Typical November Weather, at the end of November

 Traditionally, November mornings for me are  misty affairs when mild damp air has been chilled down overnight. It may burn off after a few hours but walking in poor visibility has always been associated with Autumnal days, before it gets really cold in December. This month has been an exception, so far, it’s taken all […]

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Fishing at Pagham

 It’s Friday so it’s off to Church Norton for a quick walk before picking up some fresh fish from Julie’s for dinner tonight. It’s another grey day with little wind but the neap tide is close to high water so we’re hoping to see some wildfowl in Pagham Harbour. We’re not completely disappointed as there […]

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Upset Brent at Dell Quay

 It’s grey with patches of drizzle as we set out from Dell Quay towards Copperas. The wind has found it’s form again after so it appears chilly even though the temperature is in double figures. Most of the standing water has drained away although the mud remains as sticky as ever. In the area of […]

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Stillness at Prinstead

 After all the boisterous weather of the past few months there’s hardly any wind at all today. Walking out to the harbour at Nutbourne in the still silence punctuated only by wigeon calls was was a welcome change. Rather soothing and contemplative, at least until other walkers came into sight chattering loudly. It may have […]

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Breakfast Time at Dell Quay

 There’s been a frost during the night, it’s still only 3 degrees now. This is the result of a cold sector that’s only going to last for a brief period between some nasty occluded fronts with lots of rain. We can only afford a brief visit to the Harbour so it’s a quick walk between […]

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Colour, despite the Grey, on the Downs

 The wind and rain continues on but well to the north of us thankfully; the exceptionally high tides have caused some floods but nothing too dramatic for most of us. Today, in the south at least, it’s a grey day with only a slight risk of drizzle; not enough to put most walkers off. Their […]

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What a Difference a Day Makes

 Twenty Four little hours after the last walk I set off with Bonnie to ramble from East Head to Ellen Nore and back, what a different seascape! Admittedly it was a bit earlier but we were greeted by vast areas of mud with the channels snaking through, lined with Brent Geese. The stand that happens […]

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Flooding in the Bosham Channel

 This weekend has been characterised by strong winds and torrential rain, again! Earlier, the wind reached 60 knots in the midst of the squalls which had to be classed as tropical rather than typical British weather. This was combined with an exceptionally high spring tide, 5.3 meters. Not surprisingly there were flood warnings for Bosham […]

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The Blues of Nutbourne and Prinstead

 There’s a brief period of fine weather as a high pressure ridge sneaks in between two fronts bringing blue skies and light winds, but that’s not all that’s blue in an around Prinstead. First of all on the sea wall, near the Nutbourne outfall I saw a small bird sitting on a ledge that looked […]

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Grey Day at Fishbourne

 In contrast to yesterday today is grey, no blue sky,  no sunshine, just stillness and mistiness. It’s low tide so there’s the prospect of seeing some wildfowl even though it’s a neap tide.  The field just passed the church has been thoroughly ploughed, so much for min till! Presumably this is to control the weeds […]

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