Having returned from a few days away in Cowes it’s pleasant to see the harbour again so it’s a quick walk around Fishbourne Meadows. It’s just about low water and close to springs so there’s hardly any water in the channel and all the yachts are high and dry on the mud. Fortunately the weather has sorted itself out after a couple of days of strong winds and showery outbreaks.

Most of the vegetation has died back now, especially the Hogweed that was so prominent only a few

weeks ago. The Mickelmas Daisies are the most prominent flower now, so many patches of light blue, especially on the foreshore.

The meadows have been well grazed by the cattle now, lets hope that the flowers next year will be as good as this year was in Spring, they need the coarse grass to be kept in check. The cattle are surprisingly docile  but I suppose that’s to be expected as the paths are so busy here; they must be used to dogs and ignore them.

It’s certainly time for horse chestnuts now with so many conkers falling from the trees. This sweet chestnut is behind them. Although the fruit is well developed it’s a way away from

opening up to reveal any tasty nuts.