Visiting Maidenhead on this grey day with the odd outbreak of drizzle we took a break to take our usual walk around the nature reserve bounded by Green Lane and the Cut.
Despite being cleaned out over the winter months the pond at the base of The Dell was rather overgrown with grasses (you couldn’t really call them reeds although they might have been) extending from both sides. At the far end the Lilly pads and several flowers were visible, shame they weren’t a bit closer.
The path was rather lacking in interest with not much in flower or commanding attention. The birds were surprisingly vocal compared with Chichester, one blackbird especially was in song. In the distance a rabbit scampered off, not much evidence of many more though.

Returning there were patches of some rather attractive Spotted Dead Nettle, pretty little flowers with the spiky leaves of white dead nettle. Another variation to add to the list.