Currently it’s sunny but the wind has backed from the South East to the South West, clouds and rain are on their way. It’s fine for a walk along Salterns Way to the marina and back.
There are a few more birds making their presence felt today, maybe not all singing but more sounds that the last walk’s silence. The Goldfinches are still busy, as are some of the Sparrows in the hedges by the farm. A lone Skylark reminds us of previous walks where there were plenty of them high in the sky singing away.
Near the copse there’s a small piece of set aside that was ploughed over and it’s clear why, Phacelia has been planted there as a cover crop. It’s certainly attracting the bees, also the butterflies that are about today, the large whites and the Meadow Browns. There’s also some white flowers mixed in with it which turns out to be wild radish; it’s a bit like White Campion but with different leaves.
On the harbour path scentless mayweed is growing in large clumps along with this fleabane. This has come our recently and is well established in several areas forming dense beds of plants. Nearby are some blackberry bushes; now there’s a few that are black and sweet, well worth eating!