A bit closer to normal today, sunny, relatively warm and the wind has dropped so I ended up being over dressed wearing a gilet. Hoping to beat the crowds we headed down to Dell Quay to find the parking in the lane very full, something must be going on at the sailing club.

The potatoes adjacent to the Salterns Way have been doing well but as we thought there’s been some irrigation already. Today they’re being sprayed, it’s a huge machine with arms that fold when they get to the edge of the field. Shouldn’t need many crossings to cover the field but would need a lot of filling up. All very impressive compare with sprayers of the past.

As some of the other, similar, flowers are dying back the Yarrow is now coming into it’s own with flower heads that are just starting to open. It’s similar to  Cow Parsley with it’s feathery leaves although one of the daisy family. Apparently it should come out in June but this June is like no other.

Approaching Dell Quay we could see why there were so many cars about, it was boat launching time. The sailing club had commissioned a crane to haul in the line of bulge keel yachts on the quay, an exciting time for owners and members. They’d chosen low tide so they could lift them onto the mud to, presumably, sail them away later.