How changeable the weather is, having got used to the lower temperature we’re now having to deal with some exceptional wind speeds for this time of year. Fifty knots is forecast today across England with an actual speed of forty knots on the South Coast. Invigorating conditions for a walk!
At Nutbourne marsh the Belted Galloways are out in the meadow adjacent to the stream. They look pleased but that’s not surprising as the meadow is full of growth due to the sun and damp soil. Elsewhere, closer to the harbour, the hay has been cut and taken away; probably before it gets too dry or looses it’s goodness.
Not many flowers are out apart from the Mallow that’s popping up all over the place. The one exception was this Honeysuckle that has managed to completely smother an old tree. Shame it’s not sunny, it would be quite brilliant with some light on it instead of the grey dullness that we’ve got today. The Blackberry bushes are in full flower now, much to the delight of this Bee. There doesn’t seem to be that much about here, maybe it won’t be one of the best years for blackberrying but I’m certain
there will be enough.
The Elderflowers are now starting to decline and some are starting to turn to seed. There’s just time today to collect some good looking flower heads to make some Elderflower cordial. No problem with Sugar, Southbourne Farm Shop had plenty.
The birds are active, especially the Sparrows that are flying around from hedge to hedge in small flocks. Quite why is a mystery, I’d have thought that they’d be busy nesting; instead they seem to like socialising.