High pressure still dominates so there’s a bright blue sky, low tide is at 8ish so there’s acres of mud; it’s pleasant to be at Dell Quay. The skylarks are in great form this morning, where they nest so successfully is a mystery but I’m pleased they’ve been able to maintain their numbers.
The dry spell is becoming prolonged with no sign of change in the near future, not what farmers or
gardeners want to hear. On the recently planted potato fields they’ve laid out pipes and the giant mobile waterer ready for use. It’s difficult to see this crop thriving without a significant amount of irrigation unless the weather
changes; hope they’ve got a good reservoir somewhere.
Further on, by the farm buildings there are some Cows, the first seen there for several years when they all disappeared. I had assumed that this was due to the low milk prices at the time but they’re even lower now with some farmers having to pour milk down the drain. What’s happened? perhaps they’re being looked after for someone else or maybe they’ve been picked up at a give away price. It’s probably are not connected but the pigs that were in the nearby field have gone now, well before there would have been a return on the shelters seen here. It will be interesting to see how long the Cows stay there.
Not many new flowers out but the Elder bushes that are just about everywhere are now in full bloom. Maybe we should be dusting off the Elderflower wine recipes.