Around Prinstead this morning the activity in the reed beds was intense, the strident call of the Reed
Warbler could be heard from a distance. Up close it was difficult to see any individual birds today, they seemed more settled than they often are so remained hidden.
Since reading about them I’ve taken a greater interest in hedges, the ones here seem to be relatively recent as they are only made up of two species for the most part, Blackthorn and Hawthorn. Several hedges had dog roses crawling over it which had just come into flower. Elsewhere there were some bushes that were well in advance of other parts of the harbour where they’re only just coming into flower.
A few new flowers have become evident, this Bastard Cabbage (I hope that’s right) was quite widespread and now in full flower. The Scentless Mayweed is also coming into flower but not widespread here as it is in
other parts.