With a succession of fronts sweeping over England the farmers and gardeners have had their prayers answered but for those of us who want a walk, its a game of chance to avoid getting soaked. Fortunately today we got it right and had a pleasant walk along the bluebell path and back along the lane and the Centurion Way.
This walk is a reminder that the land here is remarkably well endowed with Oak trees, naturally these are now all in full leaf. The hedgerows and field boundaries must be quite old as they are well established, giving an enduring feel to the landscape.
Close to this row of trees I came upon another pair of dragons teeth acting a sentinels either side of in informal path, more reminders of how the countryside must have looked during the last war. We’re told that the economic impact of the current Coronavirus outbreak is likely to be the greatest since that war increased our borrowing to previously unmatched levels.
Hidden away in a hedgerow was this little patch of blue, the first Ground Ivy that I’ve noticed so far on these walks. Very pretty but not favoured by gardeners as it’s such a feared, invasive, creeping perennial; so why is there only such a small presence here?