It’s been one of the driest April’s for many years according to Farming Today; we’ve experienced such extremes of weather this year. Thank goodness it will break tomorrow with a forecast of up to an inch of rain for the south of England; the gardens need it. It’s time to make the most of the sun for now.

These have been ideal conditions for butterflies with many large whites around the fields as well as Orange Tip butterflies. It was satisfying to see this Speckled Wood just off the path today, a species that I’ve not seen many of in this locality.

The bluebells are still looking attractive in the woods but in the fields they’ve gone to seed and are dying back, I assume being in direct sunlight has caused them to be more advanced than those under the tree cover. The Stitchwort has developed into dense banks in places making quite a spectacle, an explosion of white in the relatively subdued light of the woodland.

Two new flowers have appeared today, a patch of Wood Anemone and some Garlic Mustard that I’ve just probably overlooked in the past. The Wood Anemone is particularly attractive with it’s white petals and delicate yellow centre; hopefully more will emerge later on.