The forecast was for April showers, it started off so well we nearly went out without a jacket. Thankfully we didn’t as by the time we’d reached Fishbourne meadows the first drops appeared. Walking in the rain is fine provided it’s not torrential, this was just a shower or that’s what we thought.

In the damp areas of the meadow we saw some Cuckoo Flower with it’s clusters of flowers reaching up high above the grass. Apparently it likes the
damp growing in isolated clumps scattered across the meadow, at least here anyway.

The harbour looked distinctly grey and uninviting when we passed, almost nothing moving. A few Swans sat on the water in the distance, but they always do, very little else. Even the birdsong seemed muted as the rain steadily increased in intensity.

Cutting short our walk we returned to the stream where the skies opened up. Bonnie enjoyed splashing around in the rain but then she always does, any excuse to get wet. The rain didn’t ease up all day, we got wet going home but the gardens got the watering they needed.