To the west of the Centurion way are the fields for the Whitehouse farm development. Those near the railway will not be built on for some time so it’s still possible to take a walk around them, it’s
interesting what they conceal.

As everywhere, there are great carpets of Celandines which liven up the banks and hedgerows. It’s amazing how the trees now have come out into leaf over the past few days, what was once a hint of green against dark trunks and branches is now a very definite and noticeable colour. The Horse
Chestnuts have led the way but many other trees are not far behind.

The field was surrounded by black plastic sheeting last year so that the snakes and amphibians could be re-located. It’s now in a state of disrepair and the field which was turned up for some reason now overgrown. Here there were a few surprises, first there were several pheasants lurking in the
undergrowth; their loud alarm calls annoying Bonnie. A bit further on we disturbed a Fallow deer which jumped up and ran off just a few yards away. It had been keeping low and quiet then suddenly lost its nerve and ran off, if it had stayed put we’d have missed it. Quite likely this was not the only one as we saw several tracks made by them as in
this picture.

Further still we can upon a clump of Greater Stichwort, pretty little flowers with pairs of pointed leaves. Then it’s back along the path of the old railway line with the old telegraph poles to remind you of what it used to be.