Finally some sunny weather has arrived so it’s off to the Downs from East Lavant and back. Along the lane from the Cricket field its still very much like the Lavant itself, you certainly need knee high
boots for the first half mile!
In the trees the Rooks were busy arguing with each other and building nests. There were plenty of other more attractive birds to hear as well, all the usual ones with Dunnocks, Tits and Robins being particularly vocal. In Chalk Pit lane there was a Yellowhammer singing it’s quite attractive but rather repetitive song; surprisingly it stayed put whilst we paused underneath the tree it was perched on.
The views over the Downs were uplifting, so good to be away from people with just the Skylarks for company and put the worries of Coronavirus aside for a few minutes. The crops on the chalk seem to be doing much better than those on the flat fields by the Harbour, not surprising really as they drain so well.
Along most of the paths and lanes there was very little colour or flowers in evidence but that changed as we dropped down to the lower end of Chalk pit lane where there were plenty of Celandines and these rather pretty flowers. I’m not sure what they are as there are so many like them and the leaves are confusing, maybe some sort of Hawkweed?