A break in the rain allowed us to walk along the edge of the harbour to Ella Nore and back down the lane. Close to the estate where there are plenty of hedges the birdsong was lively and varied. This little Dunnock not only let me take a picture but allowed me to make a recording before flying off. Others were more flighty except the sparrows who stuck together and were very vocal!

The tide was right out as it was soon after low water and a 4.8m tide at that; it’s interesting to see the contours of what’s usually the sea bed. Not much activity on the mud though, maybe some of the waders have left for the summer.
Many of the Brent Geese certainly had, their numbers were much reduced, just a few on the ponds at Snow Hill and some laggards on the fields of the estate.

In the lane Horse Parsley was growing aggressively all along the edges, flower heads were starting to form too. Perhaps the wet, relatively moderate temperature, suited it. Also there were some bright clumps of Green Alkanet, such pretty little flowers for a quite substantial plant.