It was another wonderful, sunny, morning; shame it was not going to last with yet another band of heavy rain forecast for the afternoon.
What was immediately noticeable was the greening of the hedgerows. The bright sunshine highlighted the increasing size of green buds that were appearing everywhere and the steadily enlarging leaves. Both Hawthorn and Blackthorn were showing well now, together with other bushes coming into leaf.
Out on the water this Cormorant was drying his wings in the breeze almost alone in the stream. The wigeon were all around the edges feasting on algae, that would make them smell!
Lots of waders of
every sort were spread over the mud, clearly finding plenty to eat. It seemed that it was certainly feeding time, an oyster catcher must have enjoyed this tasty mollusc, they must be building themselves up for breeding time.
Red dead nettles are in profusion now, but only one white one was
out, this isolated specimen. Hopefully the first of many.