Yesterday we had constant rain throughout the day. An inch and a half fell making that yet another day when a months worth of rain fell in a single day. The farm lane was deeper than ever and the fields had more splashes (or worse) than ever. However today the sun is shining and at least some of
it should dry out.

We seem to be really fortunate here as two birds that everyone is fretting about are present in good numbers. Out above the fields there were several Sky Larks with their amazingly loud song despite being only a spot in the sky. We also saw a flight of Curlews go over the lane, at least 30,  pushed off the harbour by the high tide.

The harbour itself was nearly covered in water, it being a 4 metre tide so there was little mud uncovered. Around the edges were groups of Wigeon, just off the strand line, which kept well clear as we approached. Close to Dell Quay there was a parcel of 15 Oystercatchers together on the grass, probably waiting for the tide to recede.

A short but uplifting walk, so good to have some sunshine for a change.