With the jet stream moving south we’ve had more settled weather and some welcome sunshine which has triggered more signs of Spring. All we could manage was a quick walk around Appludrum  before making the most of the weather to catch up on some outside work.

What’s most noticeable is that the hedgerows are becoming
decidedly greener as new shoots and buds turning into leaf grow. Here, this bramble bush is one of the more striking examples where the light green, new, leaves are in stark contrast with the old leaves that are still on the bush.

There are a few more flowers starting to appear, like this Red Dead Nettle which appears in patches on grassy land. There are also some White Dead Nettles starting to come out but not quite there yet.

Out in the harbour there are plenty of Dunlin feeding on the mud spread out keeping apart from each other. There’s the occasional Knot as well close to the channel but relatively few Redshank today. Naturally there’s plenty of Wigeon either in the fresh water or pecking away on the mud as usual.