Storm Jorge came and went, fortunately for us not quite as bad as forecast but worse for those in the North West. No damage but plenty of wind and rain to see us into March and the first days of Spring.
It’s now sunny, although a bit on the cool side, as we walk along the Green Way again in Maidenhead. The greatest impact comes from the blossom that’s now striking on numerous bushes; naturally the wind has blown so many petals away, the ground seems to have had a light dusting of snow.
The level of the Cut is as high as we’ve ever known, close to overflowing in places. However there’s not much about, a few Coots and Moorhens, this solitary Mallard Drake and a single Swan that beat a retreat as we approached.
On the ground were a few patches of Sweet Violets bringing some colour to the muddy earth. There
were also a few Lesser Celendines if you looked carefully, but not enough to really make any impact.